Pre Loved Clothing Adelaide

Are you interested in making some extra money from selling pre loved clothing Adelaide? You might also find some clothes you are interested in buying! Here are ExLover NewLover we rent racks to clients who looking to sell good quality, second hand (or pre loved) designer accessories and clothing. Accessible online and in store, you can make extra money while also helping the planet by letting others re-use and repurpose items you no longer want or can wear. We are passionate about the opportunity we offer and about the clothing and accessories people enjoy finding in our shop.

How to start when selling with us

Step One –    
First of all if you are interested in selling pre loved clothing Adelaide you need to work out what sells best. Some people choose particular size groups, some choose certain high end clothing and accessories and so on. You might have a different rack of clothing to sell another time, but it can help to keep things focussed.

Step Two –
When you know what you want to sell you then need to think about where you want to sell it. While there are opportunities nowadays with different online sites and markets, we obviously recommend coming to ExLover NewLover! We keep everything looking great, we maintain a professional approach even with second hand clothing and we can help you manage the selling the process as well as with marketing.    

Step Three – 
When you are choosing clothing to sell make sure it is in great condition. While we focus on selling second hand clothing it should still be something people admire and want to wear! Check for things like missing buttons, make sure zippers work, check the hems and so on. In some cases small things can be fixed or replaced to make them desirable again, and in some cases it might be better to donate that item rather than try to sell it. Make sure they are clean, pressed and so on. 

Step Four –
When you have booked your pre loved clothing Adelaide rack you can begin the process of entering your garments into our system. It is very easy to do and after the first time you will get even faster at it. You will need to describe the items in 35 characters or less and price each item. When you are pricing be sure to think about fees, and other things that eat into your profit, but keep it at a price that makes it attractive to people. In store barcode tags will be applied so make sure every item has one or it cannot be sold.

Step Five –
When you bring your items to the shop we will give you the hangers you need to display your clothing on the rack you have hired. You can refill anytime. If you are coming to the end of your rental time and are not renewing consider having a sale to move the stock you might still have on the rack a couple of days before the end of the rental agreement.

Reach out to us today!

If you are excited about selling or even buying excellent quality pre loved clothing Adelaide come see us at ExLover NewLover. You can make money without having to run the shop yourself, or have people calling and coming into your home all the time. It is the perfect opportunity to clear out the wardrobes or even turn this into a money making decision. Our workers are all professional and are happy to answer any questions you might have about the process either in store or using our website.